Made it to Friday!

Friday, May 10, 2013

What a LoNg week!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my Five for Friday!

I'm on Instagram!  Find me @learningisforsuperstars.  I'd love to have you!  Here are a couple of pictures from the week.

My project on Donors Choose (for big book sets and storytelling activities) was fully funded this week!  I am SO excited! 

We finished our fraction unit in math with M&M fractions!

We read the story If You Give a Moose a Muffin this week and this was one of my favorite responses ... "If the moose was in my house, I would call animal control."

We had a LOT of rain in central Virginia this week ... so much that my hubby called me at school on Tuesday, requesting I leave school to help with the flood in our basement.  In a 48 hour period, we shop-vac'd 1100+ gallons of water from our basement!  On Wednesday when I arrived home from school, he was in the front yard with the shop-vac, trying to get it out before the water made it's way into the basement!  We are so thankful for the 2 sunny days in a row!

I was part of a blog hop last night.  Did you see it??   Click here or on the picture below to go to the post to grab your freebie!  This write the room has two options - addition or multiplication - to choose from, along with two different recording pages and an assessment activity.

Lori at Teaching With Love and Laughter has a giveaway - Healthy Helpings game from Learning Resources.  Be sure to check out her post here to enter!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Yay for getting the project fully funded! It is so much fun to get those packages in the mail!!

    Our yard is so wet we can't even mow it. Hope this sunny weather sticks around!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  2. Congrats on the funding of your Donor's Choose project. Yay!

    Sorry to hear about your basement...Hopefully dry weather will be here soon!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. Congratulations on your funding!!

    M&M fractions....what a yummy way to learn math! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade


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