Happy New Year! - classroom organization and a freebie

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year!
I haven't blogged for a month -- oops!  :(
We arrived home last night from visiting Josh's family for 10 days - the longest we've been able to be with them!  Here are a few pictures from our trip.

snow at my in-laws
their street - we would NEVER have trash pick up with this kind of snow!

baking with my niece, Elle

with my wonderful sister-in-law, Jenny

at lunch on our last day in Indianapolis
I have worked this school year on reorganizing my units, which had been in open baskets in my room.  Then the dust set in and I sneezed and sneezed and sneezed!  So now, this is what things look like ...
Displaying photo.JPG
everything is labeled with a tag (I have an owl theme in my room) and placed in a container with a lid (these are the new ones coming to school with me tomorrow morning)
and here is how I store my stickers - they will go in my 2"sticker binder tomorrow morning

I have several new products that I want to share with you:

January Print & Go printables - there are 32 various math and literacy pages in this unit
January Print and Go! (first grade)

Marshmallow Words! is a fun way to practice spelling and reading CVC words and practice identifying short vowel sounds.  I am printing and laminating this now to have it ready for this next week! 
Follow me on Instagram (@learningisforsuperstars) to see this unit in action during the week!
Marshmallow Words!
I am so excited about these new units that I am going to give away 2 of EACH of them!  Directions: comment about how you like your hot cocoa and include your email and preference of unit by Tuesday evening, January 7!

And now for a freebie!  This I Spy activity reviews short vs long vowel sounds.  There are 5 activity boards and a recording page included!  Click on the image below or HERE!
Winter Vowels I SPY

Don't forget to comment to have a chance to win one of the units above!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I'm drinking some hot chocolate as I type this. A must have is BIG marshmallows. I would pick your January Print & Go Printables.


  2. I like my hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream on top. Yummy! I would choose your January Print & Go Printables packet. Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  3. I like it with mini marshmallows and whipped cream!!!!!! I would like the Print and Go pack if I am chosen as a winner! katienussbaum87@gmail.com

  4. Thanks for sharing the I Spy Activity board. It is great to have 5 different activity boards. Additionally I enjoyed reading about your 10 day holiday trip.


  5. Hot dark chocolate with raspberry cocoa with whipped cream - yumm. I'll be heading down to the kictchen in a minute! :) It is -13 degrees w/a wind chill of -38. This is definitely hot chocolate weather!

  6. I love making hot chocolate in my Keurig loaded with marshmallows One of my students gave me Land-O-Lakes hot chocolate and it is really good! I would love your January Print & Go Printables!

  7. Thanks for commenting! Please check your email for your freebie! Greg and Karen, please send me your email so I can deliver one of these new units to you!


  8. Thanks! jimkar1088@comcast.net This calls for another cup of hot chocolate! :)


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